Got some sweet fan art for us? Send it over to fanart(at)lefthandedtoons.com and we'll post it!
- 80Cat Got Your Tongue by Caitlin
- 53Left-Handed Latte by Bethany H
- 26Boogers by Jesse B
- 79Owl Diets by Justin L
- 52Ambigram Fun by Alex R
- 25Vitamins by Kelvin L
- 78Poor Steve by Justin L
- 51Weapons by Barbara
- 24Awkward by Dave S
- 77Chocolate Meets Rosco by Steph & Resh
- 50Pull Over by Sarah
- 23Dating by Dave S
- 76Christmas Music by Krista H
- 49Dinner! by Shelly
- 22For Sale by Dave S
- 75His Favorite Place by Johanna H.
- 48Owls! by Sheli H.
- 21Chart of Important Emotions by Stefanie R
- 74For Aaresh on Valentine's Day by Steph
- 47My New Shirt by Homfrog
- 20!true Worms by Nicholas C
- 73You. by Steph
- 46Don't Be A Chicken by Sean R
- 19Left-Handed Rhino by Eva
- 72You. by Zamisk
- 45Chair by Michael
- 18The DMV by David
- 71How To Cook Corn On The Cob FLASH by CRK
- 44Flashback by Christina
- 17Re: Golfing by Helen
- 70Shower Curtain Rod by Celia
- 43Saved by Greg
- 16FTW by Anonymous
- 69I.W.S.A by Celia
- 42Coffee by Lisa V
- 15Aquabat by Mr Viking
- 68You. by Celia
- 41Trampoline by Lisa V
- 14Bloop Bloop by Eli O
- 67Performance Review by Celia
- 40My Least Favorite Dinosaur by Lisa V
- 13It's Friday! by KLM
- 66Remix by MattheW B
- 39To Summarize by shantihands
- 12Did you know vinegar melts pearls? by George
- 65SPACE FACTS by Code Red
- 38The Deal by Rob L
- 11Imaginary Interviews: Drew by Megan
- 64Guide To Stick Men by Joseph M
- 37True History by Sil
- 10Imaginary Interviews: Justin by Megan
- 63Nice dog by Jonathan M
- 36Guessing Game by Diane K
- 9Hey Buddy! by Zelthax
- 62It's Friday! by Matthew A.
- 35Pet Frog by Lisa
- 8It's Friday. by Matt W
- 61How LHT Works by Sheli H.
- 34Surprise! by Emily S
- 7Bar Doodles by Maria Clara and Guilherme
- 60Long Awaited by Jennie
- 33Doodles by Ben P
- 6Bloody Day by Sil
- 59A Birthday Message by Michael
- 32Testing the Waters by Shelly
- 5Laptop Cleanup by Andrew D
- 58I can't take it by Jennie
- 31Feet by Bobby K
- 4Being Punny by Chelsea
- 57Thanks For LHT by Dave S
- 30Arm Room by Bee
- 3Crustables by Chelsea
- 56Ninja Love by Emily N.
- 29Jokes With Tiny Plaid Penguins by Robert G
- 2The End by Mark and Justin
- 55Printercat by Erin Elizabeth B.
- 28Fridaynosaur Egg by Samantha H
- 1The Beginning by Mark and Justin
- 54Not Friday by Warren J
- 27It's a Bat! by Laramie S

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