April 1st, 2011
After some fiddling, we think we found the perfect balance of bandwidth savings and general site readability.
Thanks for bearing with us! It’s pretty painful to have to do this to you guys, but this is a whole lot better than getting an enormous hosting bill.
April 1st, 2011
Hey everyone,
Sorry about the new look, we know it’s not ideal. Our traffic has really grown recently (a good problem to have!) but it meant that our host suddenly decided to charge us more money. Money doesn’t grow on trees, and even if it did, trees don’t grow in Brooklyn.
Justin figured out the best way to reduce bandwidth was to remove all of the images from the site. It took a while to go through all the comics and turn them into text, but you know what else is hard? Paying bills.
We’ll have to leave it like this until we can find some more cash. We have a plan that involves online blackjack. Wish us luck for bucks!
March 30th, 2011
I’m back from a vacation to Puerto Rico!
While I was gone @thatconnor posted the guest toon I made for him (Justin just did one too, as you may recall).
Justin and I first met Connor at ConnectiCon. What he didn’t know about that guest toon is that it’s the first time I’ve ever done one. There have been a few fake ones, but this is the first real. I drew it right-handed, so it’s a glimpse into what that alternate reality nightmare would look like.
If you’ve never read Drawing Board you should. It is often wonderful.