
February 24th, 2009

Just added something cool for you guys =)

If you like a comic, now you can just click the new “send to facebook feed” link and you’ll post the comic as a story on your Facebook feed!  You can even choose between a one-line story and the full blown story with the comic image and all!



“Punch him in the face”

February 20th, 2009

So I went to a Meshuggah show last night and it was totally awesome.  At the beginning of their set, everyone was pushing forward and mosh pits were forming, so obviously people start getting pushed into one another.  Apparently, I was being pushed into some girl a little too much and she flips out and tells me to stop pushing her.  To summarize the “discussion”, I told her that I actually was not intentionally pushing her, but she disagreed.  She then turns to her boyfriend (who was failing to protect her from all the pushing) and tells him to punch me in the face.

Needless to say, I stabbed them both and enjoyed the rest of the show.


PS.  I didn’t stab anyone.

I’m off for a bit

February 10th, 2009

So you jerks don’t like Infinityface, huh?  I don’t get it; I think it’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen.

ANYWAY, I’m going on a vacation for the next week and a half, and I since I do my toons the night before, I won’t be posting while I’m gone.  I’m hoping we’ll have some guest toons to fill some of the gaps.

In other news, my friend Henry, who inspired my tiny owls toon, got himself his own tiny owl.

me: his name is oliver?
Henry: yeah
  the name the Etsy lady gave him
  but I don’t think I can top it
  OL-iver sounds a lot like OWL-iver
me: oh man
  why don’t you call him that??
  that is even more the best
Henry: because when you type it out
  it reads like “Ow-liver”
