May 19th, 2009
I got so many of these things! First lesson learned: many people think rape is so funny.
But moving past that! There were a few common themes, references to the art (and one that gets points for somehow knowing the height differential between Justin and myself), and questions of paternity.
Many people hooked onto the fact that no one keeps peanut butter in the fridge, which I really used to do. There was a great mix of fun versions ranging from nerdy, to classic, to punny, to movie referential.
After reading a bunch, the ones that made me laugh-out-loud (kids call it something for short I forget) were the ones that just devolved into different facets of nonsense genius.
Of course, my Mom’s was probably the best, especially if you’re from Michigan. Not that I’m biased or anything.
Thanks to everyone who emailed me!
May 11th, 2009
Several years ago, I found that Ryan North had this side-project called Whispered Apologies. The idea was that artists would submit comics with blank word bubbles, then writers would make the dialogue. I got excited about it, and I sent in a wordless comic. Ryan said it would get worded, but then Whispered Apologies stopped updating forever.
So here’s the comic I made (click for large version). Want to make words for it? Send me a copy of the comic with your dialogue added, and I’ll post my favorites!

April 24th, 2009
Three things:
1. So you guys should try this site for your news. I like it because it displays news info in a way that traditional newspapers never can (and I’m always one to kick a guy when they’re down): with interactive relational maps! I know, right?? Seriously, they’re pretty cool. I mean, how many of us have been reading the news and thought, “Man, I wonder how Jimi Hendrix is connected to Ronald Reagan“, or, “Scott Baio is awesome and all, but how might you connect him to the Austrian Armed Forces?” Y’know? At the very least, it’s a nice way to see the relevant entities in a news story, and then discover more stuff. They even made a kinda game out of them. Also my girlfriend works there.
2. Have you been isitfunnying us at all?
3. Since you’ve read this far, you get to see this confession: Yeah, I have one of them titter things.