July 2nd, 2009
Dear Ryan North,
When I’m making Anger Soup, nothing gets my rage-cauldron boiling (at 212 degrees FURYnheit) better than plagiarism. It has been pointed out to me that today’s Dinosaur Comic is centered on a pun that sure does resemble mine from a few days ago.
Are you tryin’ to make me look like a time-travelin’ joke stealer? I’ve been called a lot of things, time-travelin’ joke stealer included, but one insult in particular makes my three-layer Wrath Cake (baked at 190 degrees INCENSEDius) rise more than any other: time-travelin’ joke stealer.
But the joke’s on you! I didn’t even come up with that Angryfist pun, my girlfriend did! I didn’t reverse-time steal that joke from you, I regular-time stole it from her. Probably while we were on a hot date to a fancy restaurant because I am the best boyfriend.
P.S. I really like your comic so much.
June 28th, 2009
I found out about it after I got my haircut around 1PM today. It’s extra sad for me because I just saw the guy 2 weeks ago and he was totally fine. He was a really nice guy and I honestly felt like I knew the guy after meeting him. On top of that, I may have been part of one of the last groups of people to do a meet and greet with him.
It’s strange, but I’m definitely more affected by his death than the death of Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was obviously the bigger star, but man, I just saw Billy Mays 2 weeks ago. It makes death that much more real as opposed to just reading a headline on CNN.
June 25th, 2009

We’re happy to announce that we’re releasing a book, A Dose of Awkward: Left-Handed Toons by Right-Handed People. It will be available this August, and it contains our favorite comics from our first two years here, AND some ones you’ve never seen, each with just a dash of color.
But WAIT! We will have early copies at our table at ConnectiCon (we’ll be there Saturday and Sunday). Can’t make it that weekend? We’ll very likely do some sort of sale through this website, where we’ll autograph your book for you (and you’ll be helping us out, because we’ll make a higher cut per book that way).
Edit: Yes, also the book should be available in major bookstores, at least in the U.S. This is our first book, so we’re still learning!
You smell that? That’s the smell of our excitement.
-Drew and Justin