August 18th, 2009
Justin has started Tweetin’, y’all. You should look at our tweeters* because you’ll see us tweet “at” (pronounced “@”) each other sometimes, or Justin’s thoughts on public transit, or links to cute puppies, or if you’re really lucky, you might witness a comic inspiration. #imjustsayin.

*That is not what she said.
August 12th, 2009
Yeah, all those things!

You’ve heard us harp on about our new book, but if you buy it through our store in the next few weeks, we’ll autograph your copy!
We also have 2 BRAND NEW T-SHIRTS, from two of our favorite comics. Your body will look better with these shirts on it!*
*One shirt on your body at a time, please
August 4th, 2009
It was a lot of fun talking to everyone that stopped by the table! We had guitar picks, and K.C. Green drew a left-handed garfield. We even made some new fans out of some passers by. This guy knows what I’m talking about:

So does this guy:

And this guy showed us his thumb:

Nice thumb, guy!
To summarize the event and the awesomeness of our fans, here is a tri-sci-five between Connor, Elias, and Sarah:

-Justin and Drew