March 8th, 2010
I did a guest comic for ChannelAte! You can check it out using this link right here. I’ll link this smiley too if you prefer clicking on smileys: =)
In other totally cool news, it looks like the Fridaynosaur shirts will be arriving tomorrow. Woooo! That means that I’ll begin shipping our everyone’s pre-orders very soon. If you missed the pre-order, I’ll be putting the extra shirts up in the store on Friday, so you’ll be able to pick one up then. Man, we can’t wait to get those shirts out to everyone!
March 6th, 2010
We’re curious about how everyone found out about this site, so here’s a poll thingie that you can take!

Thanks everyone and enjoy your weekend!
February 28th, 2010
We have given our shirt order to our screen printer! They estimate they will be done with them around Friday (how fitting!) and will ship them to us as soon as they are done. Once we receive the shipment, we will begin shipping out the shirts to everyone who pre-ordered.
Also, due to the number of pre-orders we received, we we able to get some extra Men’s AND Women’s shirts. So if you missed out on the pre-order or are just discovering LHT and would like the shirt, you will still be able to get one!