Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Help Nice-Up Some Words

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Hey ya meerkats,

I feel pretty sorry for this guy.  He took on a hard job of making some violent idioms nicer, and it made him feel feelings inside.  Here are the ones he couldn’t muster:

Please make these nicer, won’t you?  Leave your best revisions in the comments.  Some may become illustrated.


UPDATE: You guys are amazing.  That is way more nice metaphors than I expected.  I drew some of them just now, and put them into comment-replies.  If I haven’t drawn yours yet, I’m sorry.  There are far too many for ME to muster.

Pssst. Hey.

Monday, March 8th, 2010

I did a guest comic for ChannelAte!  You can check it out using this link right here.  I’ll link this smiley too if you prefer clicking on smileys: =)

In other totally cool news, it looks like the Fridaynosaur shirts will be arriving tomorrow.  Woooo!  That means that I’ll begin shipping our everyone’s pre-orders very soon.  If you missed the pre-order, I’ll be putting the extra shirts up in the store on Friday, so you’ll be able to pick one up then.  Man, we can’t wait to get those shirts out to everyone!


How Did You Discover Left-Handed Toons?

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

We’re curious about how everyone found out about this site, so here’s a poll thingie that you can take!

Thanks everyone and enjoy your weekend!