Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Week in Review

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Here are some cool LHT-related stuffs that happened on the internets this past week.

Roger Ebert tweeted the Subway toon on Monday!  It was totally cool.  Here’s his tweet.  Unfortunately, it was the image someone made that removed all attribution to us.  So it was kinda like =D and =/ at the same time.  That was, until he cleared things up with this tweet!  Roger Ebert is the man!  If you ever happen to see this Mr. Ebert, thank you!

There’s this toon from a little while back.  If you’ve been around long enough or have gone through our archives, you may have seen it.  @Kmac posted it above her sink at home and her dad made a couple adjustments.

Our Facebook Page has made it to over 1,600 fans!  If you haven’t already, go on over and become a fan!  We’re not gonna force you, but it would be pretty awesome of you if you did =)

    That about sums it up!

    A New Videojame

    Monday, April 5th, 2010

    Forget your ePads.  Look what Stone501 did with a Nintendo DS:

    YA GOT.

    Friday, April 2nd, 2010

    Hahaha APRIL FOOLS.  You guys looked so shocked.  Not really, we couldn’t see you.  We IMAGINED you looked shocked.

    Right-Handed Toons was fun to make, and we hope y’all got kicks out of it.  We’re gonna leave it up, maybe even update it if we feel so inclined?  I don’t know.

    As you may recall, in 2008 we had a big fight, and in 2009 we had a bees.
