Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Guess What?

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

It’s Uma Thurman’s birthday today!  Jerry Seinfeld’s too!  Isn’t that awesome?  Wish them happy birthday in our comments.

Oh yea, almost forgot. IT’S DREW’S BIRTHDAY TOO!!!! You can also wish him happy birthday too if you like =)

Happy birthday Drew!


Welcome to Monday

Monday, April 26th, 2010

I did a little guest toonage for Turbo Sloth to help kick of his guest toon week! Might want to check that thing out right here.  Enjoy!


A Week In Review

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Remember this comic?  Well someone went ahead and did something totally sweet with it!  Check it out here.  We won’t ruin the surprise of what it is, so just go on over and click.  It’s pretty cool =)

And how about that Stone501.  He made that cool Fridaynosaur game for Warioware DIY on the DS that we posted about. He was was also Justin’s humor consultant for this toon.
Check out what he did now!  Awesome!