Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

LHT Updates

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

You can now comment on individual comics on the site!  Just click the “Comments” link underneath the comic and leave us a comment!

On the merchandise side of things, we have very very few “Pillows” and “How I Like My Women” shirts left.  $8+shipping gets you one that you can use as a body covering.  LHT Store

Here are a couple pages of ours that you might not be aware of.

Left-Handed Toons on Facebook

Justin’s Twitter

Drew’s Twitter

See everyone tomorrow for the continuation of more toonage!

Synchronized IRL Pedals

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Mike Minnick had the same thought as I did, only his execution was far more graceful:


Not-So-Passive-Aggressive Notes

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

When I was 9 years old, I had an argument with my mom about practicing piano.  It escalated until she made me go to my room and write her a letter, which we just unearthed:


Mom, I want to thank you for disregarding these declarations and continuing to boss me around, even though you were completely wrong about how long piano takes.

Happy Mother’s Day, got that?

Love, Drew.