Fridaynosaur Playing the Hot Beats
Thursday, May 12th, 2011

Oh my god Bora, thank you.
Oh my god Bora, thank you.
For some reason, I started drinking Monster Energy at the beginning of this year. As a result, my mornings are now 10^(monsterenergy) times better, where monsterenergy is a number greater than or equal to one. The downside is that I have one a day, every weekday, without exception.
Most people drink coffee, but this guy right here (me) is almost totally unaffected by normal amounts of caffeine. Just the other night, I had a six hour comic session until about 5 am and ended up consuming two Monster Energies and one 5 hour energy and didn’t have my heart explode.
Am I the only one who can’t stop drinking these delicious things? Oh man, I hope not!
Since there aren’t any new LHTs to read, why not check out ChannelATE and read some funny things. It’s a little edgier than LHT, so first get ready for that and then head on over!
Here’s a recent comic from ChannelATE that made audible laugh sounds come out of me.
Click the image and go to the comic! *waves wand* Internet MAGIC!