Archive for the ‘postforfeed’ Category

Today’s a Birthday

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Today is Justin’s birthday! Here are some fun facts about Justin:

1. Justin’s twitter username, @aujustin, contains an obscure reference to Australia. Dude just loves Australia!

2. At birth, a Justin has over 350 bones, but by adulthood, all these bones are shed through a process called “bone-molting” (or “bolting”).

3. You can fit over 2 thousand Justins inside a Blue Whale’s heart.

Now here’s a fun game: of all the above facts, only zero of them are true. Can you guess which ones????

Happy Birthday Jason!!!!



Look what I found!

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Since the new low price on our awesome book, I’ve been shipping out a few more books than usual (as you may be able to imagine).  The other week, I sent out our first book package to Singapore!  We did our usual things with the book and sent it out to a loving home in another country.  But then, a surprise!

Vivian, the awesome person in Singapore that ordered the book, made an unboxing video!  Yup, that’s her up there in the video!  I absolutely love her excitement and I couldn’t help but smile when I watched it and I hope it gives you smiles too =)



A couple things!

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Did you know that I did a guest story over at Fifty-word Stories last week?  Here’s a link to my story regardless of how you just answered!  It’s a fun site, so I would highly recommend reading through several to many of the stories.

We have gotten a couple reports of this really annoying, huge pop-over ad coming up on the site for iPads from facebinks.  This is not an ad we are running.  It’s actually a rogue ad inside of one of our ad networks.  I’ve been working with them over the past couple days and it should hopefully be resolved very soon.  We aren’t even the only website having this problem either.  I’ve found several other sites having the exact same issues and complaints and it’s super lame, but we are working on it!

The LHT book has a new low low price of just $6, so buy that thing before it becomes a thing you can’t buy anymore.

Happy Friday everyone!  Enjoy the weekend!
