Beaver and Steve

Today’s guest comic comes to us from James Turner, who makes a webcomic called Beaver and Steve. It’s one of our favorites. Just wanted to point it out because it’s consistent goofy fun, and you should go read it if you’ve not seen it before.

Also, Drew really likes Project Jenny, Project Jan:

-Drew and Justin

6 Responses to “Beaver and Steve”

  1. Calvin says:

    Don't get chumpatized!

  2. RYas says:

    Wow, PJPJ is really amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Che Guevara says:

    that was scarily strange

  4. Meegh says:

    Sadly I have also quoted the same thing about reading in dreams. I learned it also on Batman.

  5. Dave says:

    HA! I totally remember that batman… Greatness!