
We are trying to figure out the best shirts to sell for our next t-shirt printing and we would like to hear from you guys! We are finalizing Drew’s super secret t-shirt, which we know you will love, but we are kinda torn on the other shirt we should print.

Which of these designs do you like best? I put an outline around each design just to show where each design is and they won’t be showing up on the shirt or anything.  Unless you want them to!



42 Responses to “T-Shirts!”

  1. Kirkpad says:

    Number 4 is hilarious. I like the wide screen looking thrust.

  2. Dave says:

    1 is the closest to something I would wear, but 4 and 5 are decent too.

  3. jontanti says:

    I think numbers 1 and 4 are just amazing

    If I had to choose I think I would say number 1 coz that's the type of thing you can just see on a t-shirt

  4. Juli says:

    1 and 4 are the best. fantastic work (:

  5. I like 4 myself.

    I own the "Hug Failed" shirt already and it's awesome!

  6. Tim says:

    I like Number 1 best, of those options.

  7. Geoff says:

    1 and 4 would be a decent chance to get my hard earned cash

  8. Alex says:

    I would wear number 5.

  9. MasterGlitch says:

    My favorites are numbers 1 and 5, in that order.

  10. Adam says:

    definitely 1 and 4.

  11. christine says:

    i also like 1 and 5 (more likely to want to buy 1).

  12. Relative Bearing says:

    Two and four.

  13. 3 and 5 are my favorites.

  14. Martijn says:

    I vote 1. I find the top row more hilarious than the bottom row, and I prefer wearing black. Perhaps when you pick a design you can offer various coloured fabrics, e.g. both black and grey?

  15. hello mister lkeft - says:



  16. Inocal says:

    My favourates are 1 + 4

    i like the black of 1

    and i like the " explination" of 4

  17. Becky says:

    I want #1!!!!

  18. Steve says:

    No 1 is definitely the best.

    It's a complete comic in itself. Just once I'd like a T-shirt that I don't have to explain to people!

  19. London says:

    I dig #4

  20. Pinka says:

    number 5!!!!! runner up number 2. but 5!!!! i will so wear it… if you make it in chick sizes ;)

  21. tallguy says:

    i like numbah 1

  22. Ryan says:

    I like #1 from 1-3 best, and #4 from 4-5.

    Between #1 and #4 it's a toss up. I would prefer you just send me one of each. Upon receiving them I will wear both and entertain comments from passersby, then write a review on my website.

  23. Salv says:

    I like the shading on #2.

    Generally speaking, 1-3 would be easier to understand for outsiders than 4-5. But number 4 is still cool ^^

  24. Lynsey says:

    Number 2 for the pillow comic

    and 4 for the mating comic…

    now if we are only supposed to pick one shirt i want numbe two!

    i love the pillow comic and number two is perfect! i like the shadow of forever… will the shirts only be on man shirts haha cuz i would like one on a girl top (you know with spaghetti straps)

  25. Lynsey says:

    if number 2 loses can you just send me one in a medium (preferably girl shirt) :D

    is it not possible to make them as we order them?

  26. ISammael says:

    Yes. Number 4. I reiterate what Kirkpad said up top.

  27. Kat says:

    I would wear 5. but I also like 1. :D

  28. Lisette (from Hollan says:

    I LOVE #3!

  29. Dave says:

    Let's mate!!!! That's a great guy shirt in my opinion …

  30. Jeremy says:

    I don't like any of them, sorry!

  31. Lynsey says:

    noOO! number 2 is losing! :(

  32. spoOk says:

    apparently i am a fan of the least popular shirt pic.


    go me

  33. danineteen says:

    I can't decide between 3 and 4. But I like the thrusting one heaps.

  34. Lynsey says:

    At least a pillow comic is winning… but i really wish my fav was winning #2 pillow comic!

    VOTE FOR 2

  35. Lynsey says:


    did my no get your attention? if so vote for number 2

  36. Ryan says:

    You gotta start shipping to the UK i need to be able to buy number 1 when it wins, and the hug failed shirt

  37. Lynsey says:

    10% that's progress come on let me vote like a million more times i want number 2!!

  38. Lynsey says:

    UGh why don't you people like number two….look at that shadow on forever it makes the forever seem even more scary woO oOo ooO :)

    Drew and Justin…since we can't vote/see-the-percentages anymore just make number two…the shirt should be chosen by the comments that i have left compared to everyone else who clearly don't want their shirts as badly as i do!


    oh and p.s. don't ban me from the site…i love it <3