Four Years!

Thanks to everybody for visiting, sharing, commenting, and enjoying for the past 4 years!

-Justin and Drew

26 Responses to “Four Years!”

  1. Nuno Salvaterra says:

    Ok, I'll say it: Left4Toons. Congratulations!

  2. Zelthax says:

    Hey congrats guys! It's been awesome watching these fun little asides for nearly four years!

  3. Rocío Mata says:

    Congrats! And it's Friday!!

  4. Justis Mills says:

    Congratulations! Been a big fan since sometime in the first two.

  5. Panda says:


  6. Danny Beyer says:

    This is your birthday song, it isn't very long!

  7. Kobby says:

    And it is a left hand! AWESOME!

  8. Go1988 says:

    Non, no, no, no, thank YOu guys for making such funny and incredibly creative cartoons! It's incredible that it is running for four years and it's a shame that I had just recently discovered it. I wish you guys all the best for all of your projects!!

  9. redshirttt says:

    Whoo!!! Don't ever stop!! (I'm warning you)

  10. Nicole says:

    CONGRAT! :D You guys have been awesome from the start!

  11. Thank you guys for making my life a little more left-handed.

    Also, that hand is obviously an off-center cyclops.

  12. elsh says:

    Happy birthday to your comic, guys! Thanks for making it!

  13. danineteen says:

    YAY! Happy birthday LHT! XD

  14. Charles says:

    I can't wait until next year. Then there will be a whole hand…

  15. Mark says:

    Four reals? Cool!

  16. Baaliam says:

    Congratulation guys! LHT is awesome. It literally makes my days most of the time :D

    One thing I noticed in the last comic, however, was "Check out the comic from 1, 2, 3, 4, and 4 years ago!" Just a heads up ;-)

  17. Ad says:

    Thats not a left hand its a right in a mirror

  18. Doug says:

    Hey! I turned 20 on the day you guys turned 4! Best friends fourever.

  19. Ricky Ward says:

    Glad to see you Drew a cute Pangolin – how about doing lots with animation for a mascot for The Year of Forests 2011 ( a UN thing).

    You might even go commercial ( a competitor to Mickey Mouse ) with Panlop the Pangolin.

    So write back a.s.a.p. to

    PS Where do you live Drew?

  20. Asdf says:

    Hey, does anyone else think that acts as sort of a pre-amble to the "You" LHT series? I always thought it deserved some recognition for that.

  21. Congratulations guys! I've been reading for about 3 years and have loved it ever since!

  22. Turbo Sloth says:

    IT'S FRIDAY! Bust out the party hats!

  23. Ryan says:

    Thank you so much for making a this website! I have been following ever since I found your Penguin calls on! ( Which I have to admit, I so do miss, respectively ). However, I love how you and Justin came up with this creative way to keep my comic addiction fresh everyday! Thanks again and congratulations!



    ( I miss jokes with Einstein too… )

  24. Levi says:

    I love your comics they are the best.