In honor of Friday

Minecraft Fridaynosaur knows exactly whats up.


16 Responses to “In honor of Friday”

  1. Tyrel Peters says:

    Yessss, I have been waiting for this.

  2. Dash Powers says:

    That's definitely my favorite thing on the server.

  3. Konner says:

    "Brik house" was mine… derp. Nice meeting ya Justin!

  4. Stone500 says:

    Probably my proudest creation, using a reference pic, but no template :D

  5. Yep. Its Friday – time to update spinnerdisc and make more good jokes with einstien – revive them from underworld.

  6. meatsandcheese says:

    What's up with the server? I get disconnected almost immediately after "prepare to be awesomed" comes up…

  7. Matthew says:

    I got right into the whole Minecraft thing and recreated my logo, ie, the only pixelly thing I had on hand. AWESOME

  8. Daneel says:

    Is the server down? I can't connect to it..

  9. Daneel says:

    i'm an idiot :P tweet says it's down :P

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