Draw Until It’s Funny!


Mr. Awesome Ryan Hudson from ChannelATE and I are teaming up for a new comic called Draw Until It’s Funny!  This site has the awesome acronym DUIF, which I pronounce either “doof” or “dweef”.

So what we do is start with just an idea for the first panel and no joke in mind.  Then we just keep on drawing until the funny comes out of our funny places.  If you ever wanted to see how our minds work or like reading funny things, check out DUIF!

We will be updating every weekday.  As a bonus, we will also be featuring DUIFs from other webcomicers on the weekends!



15 Responses to “Draw Until It’s Funny!”

  1. kopfpeerd says:

    And even better: 'duif' means pigeon in dutch. Booya.

  2. Stone501 says:

    Sooooo are you drawing duif with your left hand too, or no? Cause that'd be silly to do it for no reason.

  3. i keep reading it as duyf and it makes me giggle, almost more than the comics themselves do ;)

  4. Sam Jones says:

    Hey, um…


    Buttersafe just did a comic called "11 Bad Comics." I'm not sure if this concept originated on Left-Handed Toons or if you both just had the same point of reference, but… weird? O_o

  5. Jaz says:

    DUIF is histerical! So glad you guys are making a new comic (although LHT never gets old – I check it every other day). :D

  6. Danny says:

    Are you guys going to add a DUIF link under "These webcomics are sweet and awesome"?

    • Justin Boyd says:

      Soon. As in right now because you just reminded me that I hadn't done that yet =P

      • Danny says:

        AWESOME! Now I don't have to realize my fear of the blog board getting full and my link to DUIF disappearing. I can sleep easy again tonight…

  7. vermeer says:

    The first thing I thought about while seeing those letters 'DUIF' was a pigeon!

    I like the website, just like the LHT and Tiny Plaid Ninjas!

  8. Drink Until It's Funny!

  9. Just goot back from golf. Great game with the lads!