A Week In Review

Remember this comic?  Well someone went ahead and did something totally sweet with it!  Check it out here.  We won’t ruin the surprise of what it is, so just go on over and click.  It’s pretty cool =)

And how about that Stone501.  He made that cool Fridaynosaur game for Warioware DIY on the DS that we posted about. He was was also Justin’s humor consultant for this toon.
Check out what he did now!  Awesome!


3 Responses to “A Week In Review”

  1. Drew says:

    Ahhh that is very great!!

  2. Very nice stitching! I'd love one of those :D

    Still loading the hug game video.

    Also, I must admit, the latest comic (No Thank You!) made me post a really really lame anatomy-related joke on my facebook, heh.

    Just saw the video. Hahaha awesomeeeeeee :D good stuff Stone!