What Day Is It?

Our friend GiL got the Fridaynosaur t-shirt that he ordered, and then this happened:

Oh yeah, also, GiL is the best.

7 Responses to “What Day Is It?”

  1. Erika says:

    Heehee, I like it. Even though he apparently filmed it using a mirror.

    The context-aware Photoshop comic was awesome. But when Drew copied and pasted most of the last two panels, I really hope he copied and pasted solely with his left hand.

  2. Mark says:

    > Oh yeah, also, GiL is the best.

    SO the best!

  3. Kat says:

    he tried so hard not to laugh. at :21 he's about to crack up. I admire his determination, and maybe even the fact that he's nerdy enough to own a light saber and make this kind of video for the internet to laugh at. kudos, GiL

  4. Lisette (from Hollan says:

    I'd make a video too, but I don't think my mooma will like it if I zoomed in on my chest like that ;D /girlybits

  5. Lmarionette says:

    Great browsing this specific online website.