Announcement: BOOK

We’re happy to announce that we’re releasing a book, A Dose of Awkward: Left-Handed Toons by Right-Handed People.  It will be available this August, and it contains our favorite comics from our first two years here, AND some ones you’ve never seen, each with just a dash of color.

But WAIT!  We will have early copies at our table at ConnectiCon (we’ll be there Saturday and Sunday).  Can’t make it that weekend?  We’ll very likely do some sort of sale through this website, where we’ll autograph your book for you (and you’ll be helping us out, because we’ll make a higher cut per book that way).

Edit:  Yes, also the book should be available in major bookstores, at least in the U.S.  This is our first book, so we’re still learning!

You smell that?  That’s the smell of our excitement.

-Drew and Justin

25 Responses to “Announcement: BOOK”

  1. danineteen says:

    Other than sale at ConnectiCon, will the book only be available online?

  2. mangogh says:

    autographs are not enough. i want it hand delivered!

    • peter gahzinia says:

      i like that i'll get an autograph, but will it be signed with their right or left hand?

  3. isaac says:

    That last clip smells very strongly of Roald Dahl, for some reason.

  4. Is this going to be self-published, or are you guys working through some sort of company?

    I am SO EXCITED. Any price gauges yet? I'd buy it for ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS.*

    *this is a lie.

  5. Dan says:

    Please ship it internationally! We need more of your funnies down here in Aus :D

    Been a follower since before jokes with einstein existed :D

    • Frank says:

      No Advertisement, but just a helping hand for the non-US folks;

      Book can be bought to at with free shipping WORLDWIDE. All major creditcards and paypal accepted.

      Preordered mine already. 37 days till release, though it usualy takes a little longer for online stores to get stock.

  6. Horza says:

    Kind of a funky smell. Like avacado.

  7. vee says:

    Would you do a left handed doodle w the sigs too??? please

  8. Pinka says:

    i like how on that site it says "author"

  9. jen says:

    YAY Connecticon! I am so there and will give you both a high five. Also, I shall request that you sign your book with the pen in your mouth :-O

  10. Sakimori says:

    Wow. Great news. Congrats, guys!

  11. Stone says:

    Why can I not pre-order from you guys yet? Why aren't I close to connecticut? Why don't *I* ever get to meet Billy Mays?

    Man, you guys have all the fun.

  12. alexandra says:

    Really exciting! (:

  13. Kyo says:

    Yessss, I am so buying that

  14. Kieran says:

    Oh my god guys…Billy Mays just died!!!! WTH?

  15. Dylnads says:

    Wow that's great guys. Congratulations!

  16. jeremy says:

    what the fuck u guys are right handed?


  17. ClowWolf says:

    I love how in the Amazon "Customers Who Have Bought Related Items Also Bought" items are all narwhal stuffed animals, along with a crazy cat lady and an avenging unicorn. You guys rock.

    Also – there's probably no way to get autographed copies through Amazon, is there? D: