Jokes With Einstein 9
Oh hey look, I made a new episode of Jokes With Einstein:
Oh hey look, I made a new episode of Jokes With Einstein:
This entry was posted on Thursday, June 4th, 2009 at 4:48 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
good god FINALLY
Oh yes. LOVE IT! Now we just need a new tiny plaid ninjas!
I agree
Most excellent. Was that some OK Go I heard in the background?
Thanks Y'all!
Yep, that's "There's a Fire".
WOOOT I Have been waiting for ever to see a new one. Thanks guys
That poor kid, getting smacked by ducks. He took it like a champ, though.
how long i have waited for a new Jokes With Einstein!!!
any plans for new TPN?
*wink wink, nudge nudge*
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe I'm working on it.
Is it a sign of an e-stalker if I recognize that pattern as a picture you took in India? It was on your flickr account…
Good eye!! Also: yes.
Thank you
Most fabulous thing ever.
My wife wanted me to let you know that she liked the polynomial and pumpkin pi jokes.
Excellent. No words other than that can describe a cheesy pun by einstein while a youth is being pelted by ducks.
OMG thank you. *tips hat* you are my hero!
yaaay, drewmo! (obligatory request for more penguin voicemails.)
Congratulations on the 500th Lefthanded Toon!
Also, I’m thrilled with the new Jokes with Einstein.
Also, I’ve watched all other JwE at least a dozen times each and I just now noticed the “Forward, Reply, Unply, and Ply” buttons in number eight.

Extremely hilarious.
I’m that much of a math nerd that I’d share the link with my Facebook friends
Did anyone else notice that the background slowly changes colors?
Yes! Ahh, so much rejoicing to be done! Now, we need a new TPN.
Thank youuu, Drew.
Also, why ducks?
I was just at the old site reveling in the glory of days gone by, slightly lamenting the years without an update and then I come to my favorite non-dominant website to be greeted with this stroke of genius. Hats off to you my friend.
I really like the comics, but this (video) was the lamest crap i have ever seen. i mean really.. can that actually pass for something funny?
you havent seen any of the jokes with Einstein vids, have you?
hehe, tan gent 
just for reference, i got a girl to go out with me a while ago using the pumpkin pi joke
she thought it was adorable 
rock on drew |..|,
lol so much win
Wait, where was the kid's overly scientific explanation of what the punchline normally means?
hazzah! does this mean SD is back up and running?
It's been too long. *sob*
*hesitantly raises hand*
9 = neun
nein = no.
Just in case it's a typo and not another inside joke I simply don't get.