Well that was fun

I got so many of these things! First lesson learned: many people think rape is so funny.

But moving past that! There were a few common themes, references to the art (and one that gets points for somehow knowing the height differential between Justin and myself), and questions of paternity.

Many people hooked onto the fact that no one keeps peanut butter in the fridge, which I really used to do.   There was a great mix of fun versions ranging from nerdy, to classic, to punny, to movie referential.

After reading a bunch, the ones that made me laugh-out-loud (kids call it something for short I forget) were the ones that just devolved into different facets of nonsense genius.

Of course, my Mom’s was probably the best, especially if you’re from Michigan.  Not that I’m biased or anything.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me!


30 Responses to “Well that was fun”

  1. Adam says:

    Actually, they sell Vernors in Florida…

  2. Alice says:

    I got halfway through deciphering the Wingdings before I realised how sad that is.

    • Drew says:

      I didn't bother. What does it say? WHAT DID I MISS?

      • Panda says:

        Not much…from what I got…minus some punctuation

        "I have awful taste in beverages"

        "This is most obvious brother"

        "I greatly appreciate your statement"

        "You better you little punk which"

        I don't think I got the "which" right…but who knows!

        • Japeth says:

          Ha ha ha. I was so hoping no one would look into that. I was tempted to just type in random letters.

          I'm glad you liked it, comic creator guy.

  3. MasterGlitch says:

    There is also Vernor's here in Ohio, but that comic was great. That one and the "Twist Ending!" one were my favorites.

  4. Dylnads says:

    Your mom's was genuinely the funniest one you posted. I like!

  5. TGO says:

    that was awesome.

    Day has officially been made.


    • rectal racoon says:

      oh yeah, erotic sailor. yep. yeah. that's probably it. after reading the others a couple of times i started laughing at every frame in every comic. ho-hey!

  6. brmbug says:

    Hmm. I'm actually thinking of submitting mine now. There's just the small matter of getting the wording right… and, y'know… on the thing.

  7. Asher says:

    Mine got linked to second. I feel so honored.

  8. claudia s. says:


  9. drewmom says:

    Thanks Drewbeeee!!!!!….Drewmom!

    • Jeff says:

      Drewmo's Drewmom's actually was the best! I thought he was just kissing up so he'd get another theremin.

      Mine was posted, but after reading others, it really didn't seem that funny :(

  10. Paul T Shoink says:

    Yay! Thanks for posting my Slice vs Sierra Mist comic! Made my week!

  11. j. says:

    … i keep my peanut butter in the fridge. my mom always did so i do. i didn't realize it was THAT weird. oh well.

    • Salv says:

      Burn the witch! :P

      Aaah, was nice to read all those weird comics ^^

      Kudos to all who participated; I wasn't inspired enough :P

  12. Will S. says:

    Woo Hoo mine made it ! Thanks guys, that was really fun. You should think about doing some more? XD

  13. prm says:

    Vernors is my favourite pop! And I am in Canada (hence the spelling of favourite and use of the word "pop").

  14. Dude, I love it! I just found this place through myapokalips.com, and it is amazing. I do the same kind of angle, just drawing with my mouse, but it always comes out looking left-handed.

  15. spoOk says:

    i second masterglitch….mom and twist ending were the two best!

    its weird that someone else thought the same two ones were the bestestes…uhm best….est, ones.

  16. Futil1ty says:

    I laughed for several seconds after reading "devolved".

  17. Futil1ty says:

    Also, my name links to the one I made because I didn't make it until now.

  18. Will S. says:

    Socks: Guess justin walked into a spill…. I hate that… lol

  19. andrew says:

    was the one with bora in the link actually by tally hall's bora?

  20. Jeff says:

    The lady from the progressive commercials scares the bejeebus out of me.

    I tried to get my friends to be her for halloween.