Another exercise in self-limitation
Our pal Tim has this site, Fifty-Word Stories, where he posts stories of exactly that length. It seemed like a fun-enough idea, so I made one too.
Also, look how much these guys I drew like planes. Oh man they like planes SO MUCH!
Thanks again for sending the story in and for linking to it!
One question, though: how did you know I like to wear my airplane hat and stand around doing pelvic thrusts!?
I drew it right-handed though. OH WELL.
You have the besterest ideas, Drew.
Today's comic reminded me of "Meaning of Liff" by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd
(If you haven't read it before, Googling that title gives a full transcript of the book in the first search result.) They're awesome lexicarcissists.
I heard you liek them. Planes, that is. Good right-hand art, I like it. I also enjoyed the 50-word stories.
But by and far, your lexicarcissism is my favorite affair of the day. Sunsetjam seems a bit…contrived (still holy dang do I hate sunsetjams!), but diamondrrhea and ankle were just waiting to be defined!
You, sir, do not simply invent words – you find things for which we lack words and NAME THEM.
hmmm….are you JEALOUS of guys who have planes?!!!!….I like the diamondrrhea!!!!……funny!!!!….does "immodiamond" help cure that affliction?????
Haahaha, thanks Mom, that's a good one.
Those are some serious plane lovers.
Those guys sure do love planes!
And thanks Drew for introducing us to 50-Word Stories! I liked your story very much =)
If you like the 50 words stories, you should check out "Anthropology" by Dan Rhodes – 101 love stories all 101 words long – very funny.
And with reference to your latest cartoon – "And that's Numberwang!"
Numberwang may be my favorite comedy sketch of all time.
I second that
It`s time for Wangernumb!
re: today… it's "build me up buttercup"