
Just added something cool for you guys =)

If you like a comic, now you can just click the new “send to facebook feed” link and you’ll post the comic as a story on your Facebook feed!  You can even choose between a one-line story and the full blown story with the comic image and all!



21 Responses to “Facebook!”

  1. ryan says:

    Sweet, I have always wanted a way to show off my nerdi'ness all at once. What better medium than facebook!! =)

  2. Michael Chapman says:


    And also

    Yay! Irked worms are back!! HURAH!

  3. Futil1ty says:

    Wow. I needed this. Thanks.

  4. Asher says:

    Not only is this awesome, but it also pushed InfinityFace™ off the front page!

  5. If I ever get a Facebook, I'll definitely use this!

  6. Tim says:

    Cool sauce. Always good to take advantace of the social media.

  7. Dylnads says:


    Today is exactly ONE YEAR since you've last updated Spinnerdisc.com!!!

    Well, technically, you said it wasn't but it's been exactly one year since you've done anything to it.

    Why Drew, why?!?

    I have sad…

  8. Guy says:



  9. Kylie says:

    I LOVE LEFTHANDEDTOONS!!!!! i show everyone i know this website. Now i can put it on my face book?? SUPER SWEET!

  10. Jez says:

    May God have mercy on my Facebook contacts!

  11. Nick says:

    Speaking of "the full blown story with the comic image and all!", when are you going to start including the image in your RSS feed? Left-Handed Toons doesn't get along with well with Google Reader. :-(

  12. Horza says:

    Add a comments thread to individual strips!

  13. henry says:

    you guys should make it so that you're allowed to post it on a friends wall as well, not just your own =)