Now That’s Irony
So right after I post a blog about sleep, I end up having my busiest work week ever.
I worked from 10 am Monday until 1 pm Tuesday straight with no sleep. Then, I worked from noon Wednesday until 7:30 am Thursday, no sleep as well. Now as I type this (7 am Friday), I am still working a day which started at 5 pm Thursday. Once I leave the office (and sleep), I’ll update this with the time I actually left. Mmmmmm, sleep.
Edit1 (12:25pm Friday): Still kickin’ it at the office doing my programming thing. I wonder when it will hit me.
Edit2 (5:31pm Friday): Almost ready to leave. Kinda tired. I’m going to sleep well tonight, oh boy will I.
Is that even irony though? I always have trouble defining things that are or aren’t ironic. All I know is that rain on your wedding day is NOT ironic, it’s just unlucky.
Irony is the opposite of what you would expect to happen.
A lot of people confuse this with Coincidence.
yeah i feel your lack-of-sleep-pain. on my lunch break i stretch out over two chairs and take a nap.
Where do you work? Are you guys hiring newly graduated computer scientists?
Two things-
1. this is this first time I've commented, awesome comic you have here, I've been reading it for a while, and you and Drew have some really cool ideas.
2. The sleep thing..well, I can't feel your pain exactly, I don't work, I'm still in school. but I tend to stay up until 1amish these days, occassionally doing work, mostly just on the computer. and let me tell you-lack of sleep and lots of caffiene really, REALLY isn't the answer to anything.
(Except eveything
Thank you for the compliments! Lack of sleep really blows. And then when it finally is time to sleep, it's never satisfying for me because I always wake up groggy. Grr…
Play some TF2! I got mine now!
Eh, I haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time…being a teenager really blows…So feeling groggy is pretty much my permenant waking state :p
Woah, what a coincidence. I have slept about 3 hours (not in a row, mind you, but cumulatively) in the last 3 days. Actually, its just that finals are this week and I'm way behind on assignments; I just assimilated 300+ (needlessly verbose) pages of SQL into my now throbbing cranium. Anyway, keep at it. There's bound to be light at the end of the tunnel, right? Just hope its not attached to an oncoming train. . .
I like skittles
Irony is kind of a broad, abstract subject. There are 3 kinds (situational, verbal, dramatic) Situational being where the opposite of what would normally happen or what is expected happens. (fireman's house burns down, your efforts to prevent something cause it to happen, "you sold your harmonica to buy me a chain for my watch? I sold my watch to buy you a case for your harmonica!") I'm pretty sure situational irony is what most people mean when they use the word…
So, to answer the question, no, I don't think that's ironic. =)
To use the wedding example, if you move your wedding to avoid rain and it rains on the new date anyway… that's kind of ironic.
I guess the only potential irony was that I was going to try to get more sleep after writing that blog, but my job made it so that I got far less than usual. Irony or not, I was tired =P
The most ironic thing about that song, (I'm assuming you were referring to the song Ironic by Alannis Morrissette), is that it is not ironic at all. The situations just suck, thats all.
Anyway, hopefully you get more sleep soon.
I think what has happened here is more of a coinkydink than irony. Had you have posted a blog about having rubbish sleep and then went on to have a really decent nights sleep, that would be irony.
cartoon is great by the way and i hope you have sleep soon. I feel honoured that you'd stay up a little longer to tell us how bad you feel rather than run home and sleep!
Lol i love sleep!!! It's a bummer though cos i have 2 get 4 school every morning
never mind though… i feel sorry for u!!! Irony can be quite hilarious at times though… ha. ok maybe not but at least you can be bothered 2 share ur pain with us… awwww, bless!
Yeah irony is confusing. Haha, in my english class, my teacher played that song (whose name and singer escape me) mentioned at the end of your blog. He gave us copies of the liyics and then proceded to cut the song down to nothing. Hw was like, "None of this is irony, it just really sucks. She has no idea what she's talking about."
Did you know that if you go 3 days without sleep (anysleep at all) You can be considered clinicly insane? Also, if you let someone get to the REM stage of sleep and wake them up and do that repetedly, you will eventually drive them crazy.
hmmm… i might try that…
although I am probably already insane… lol
I don't recomend it. I tried it once, and I haven't seen Jacob since they took him away… ='-[
"Isn't it unlucky, don't you think?
It's like rain, on your wedding day!
A free ride, but you've already paid.
Some good advice that you just can't take?
And who would've thought? It figures."
Exactly =)
Whatever happened to her anyway? She did that cover of my humps not to long ago, but since then, I haven't seen her much.