Pi you say?

I just did a comic talking about pi and it makes me wonder, how many digits of pi do you guys know? This is how far I know pi (as stated in the comic blurb): 3.14159265358979323. At one point in time, I knew more digits of pi, but eventually parts of my social security number started working their way in and replacing the once correct digits.  That’s when I abandoned those extra digits. This may not be the coolest topic, but who cares! It’s pi! Pi is cool!


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I was actually surprised to find that I know exactly the same number of digits. I used to know two more but I could never remember if it was 62 or 26 or something completely different.
1 reply · active 729 weeks ago
Here's by far one of the best PI sites I've ever seen ... not only do they go really long but there's a song!

I know all of them.
I got to the big 100 :D

It started off as a challenge between me and my friend. I got to 50. Then we got more and more until I got to 100, I think he got to about 110 or so.

Quite sadly, I am not making this up. And just in case you're wondering, yes, I do happen to have a very beautiful girlfriend.

For anyone who wants to know...

1 reply · active 729 weeks ago
3.1415926535 - sadly
well i only know my sweet apple pie bake at 180C
Ahh I have this awesome shirt with hundreds of digits of Pi over the symbol. You pick it up when people start reading it to you every other minute: 3.1415926535897932.

and now '3".
retsoksirhc's avatar

retsoksirhc · 907 weeks ago

I go almost as far. 3.14159265358979

I'm probably going to be in a race next month, and I'm planning on being number pi.
5 replies · active 729 weeks ago
Uh...I have no name.'s avatar

Uh...I have no name. · 907 weeks ago

Pi = 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
(edit: truncated due to ridiculous length)
Smart people reading and writing here...

i go as far as 3.14
I know a guy who claims to know up to 50000 digits (he's probably lying). Personally, I prefer the pastry to the number.
My Nintendo Wii is named Pii. And although there is an extra "I," I find this relevant because it is still just an obtuse of a word as pi. I only remember 3.1415926535 because my address is 535 and I would always get excited about and distracted by that.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I swear on all that is holy that I actually memorized about 240-250 digits of Pi. We were having this contest at my school; whoever memorized the most digits of Pi got a $20 gift certificate to Chapters. Needless to say, I won by a long shot. True story!
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 907 weeks ago





i win
2 replies · active 729 weeks ago
hahaha i only know 3.1415 :')

but i did found this:

Theorem: All numbers are equal.

Proof: Choose arbitrary a and b, and let t = a + b. Then

a + b = t

(a + b)(a - b) = t(a - b)

a^2 - b^2 = ta - tb

a^2 - ta = b^2 - tb

a^2 - ta + (t^2)/4 = b^2 - tb + (t^2)/4

(a - t/2)^2 = (b - t/2)^2

a - t/2 = b - t/2

a = b

So all numbers are the same, and math is pointless.

which i found very funny :P using math to prove math is useless
4 replies · active 729 weeks ago

That's all.
2 replies · active 729 weeks ago
... isn't there a 3 in pi? that's about as much as i kno... well not really

it's like... 3.14159 (and i got that off of a song on an exemplar problem... it's kinda lame :P)

damn you, you won =( now i have to fiend something else to not do my math ;)

smart... =)

LOL@ drew's new cartoon, hahahahah
I know this girl who can recite something like, the first 300 digits-- it's ridiculous. She rattles them off so fast I can barely process them, let alone remember them! As for me, I only know 3.1415926.
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 906 weeks ago

hahahaha pi out of 5 what would ever posses you to do that?
Ha, I epic fail at math

I know....


is that right?

let's just say 3.14.

I think Bernard wins.

Do You Concur?

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510

5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679

8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128

4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196

(edit: truncated due to length)
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 906 weeks ago

And I refer to the link i previously posted out of common sense as to not clog the server!

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