Pi you say?
I just did a comic talking about pi and it makes me wonder, how many digits of pi do you guys know? This is how far I know pi (as stated in the comic blurb): 3.14159265358979323. At one point in time, I knew more digits of pi, but eventually parts of my social security number started working their way in and replacing the once correct digits. That’s when I abandoned those extra digits. This may not be the coolest topic, but who cares! It’s pi! Pi is cool!
I was actually surprised to find that I know exactly the same number of digits. I used to know two more but I could never remember if it was 62 or 26 or something completely different.
It was probobly 62 beacuase i tried and ended up with 62 as an extra numba!
PS:sorry about my dumb spelling!
PSS:have u ever seen the dumb dinosaur clip on funnygames.biz? its soooo funny! bye!
Here's by far one of the best PI sites I've ever seen … not only do they go really long but there's a song!
I know all of them.
I got to the big 100
It started off as a challenge between me and my friend. I got to 50. Then we got more and more until I got to 100, I think he got to about 110 or so.
Quite sadly, I am not making this up. And just in case you're wondering, yes, I do happen to have a very beautiful girlfriend.
For anyone who wants to know…
sigh… i couldn’t stop at 100 because 8 came after the 9, and it always seemed like it should come before.
3.1415926535 – sadly
well i only know my sweet apple pie bake at 180C
Ahh I have this awesome shirt with hundreds of digits of Pi over the symbol. You pick it up when people start reading it to you every other minute: 3.1415926535897932.
and now '3".
I go almost as far. 3.14159265358979
I'm probably going to be in a race next month, and I'm planning on being number pi.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Some nerdy guy I used to work with taught me this.
Pi = 4 ( 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – 1/11 + 1/13…)
I, however, prefer to find the perimeter of an n sided polygon while n approaches infinity.
U R VERY CONFUSING!!!!!! the n shape of a polygon=???? blah blah blah!!! man i h8 my life im gonna go kill myself!
go that is soo funny to a mathematical student…..
Um, no it isn’t. The formula as you wrote it is 3.820535, and it only gets worse as you continue.
You all fail. Pi is obviously pie divided by ~2.718281828459045. More exactly: pi = pie/lim[n–>infinity](1 + 1/n)^n
Pi = 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 (edit: truncated due to ridiculous length)
Smart people reading and writing here…
i go as far as 3.14
I know a guy who claims to know up to 50000 digits (he's probably lying). Personally, I prefer the pastry to the number.
My Nintendo Wii is named Pii. And although there is an extra "I," I find this relevant because it is still just an obtuse of a word as pi. I only remember 3.1415926535 because my address is 535 and I would always get excited about and distracted by that.
how do you pronounce your wii's name then? I cant imagine it would rhyme with nintendo's name for it…
I swear on all that is holy that I actually memorized about 240-250 digits of Pi. We were having this contest at my school; whoever memorized the most digits of Pi got a $20 gift certificate to Chapters. Needless to say, I won by a long shot. True story!
i win
i dont wanna kill the sever sooo here is pi to 1 000 000 places
for thoses interested visit that link…..
i swear i didn't just google that either i am totally that smart enough to caculate that with my head and have the time to make a web page featuring it….
Copy and paste much? :]
I want some pie. not pi. REAL pie. Preferably pumpkin.
hahaha i only know 3.1415 :')
but i did found this:
Theorem: All numbers are equal.
Proof: Choose arbitrary a and b, and let t = a + b. Then
a + b = t
(a + b)(a – b) = t(a – b)
a^2 – b^2 = ta – tb
a^2 – ta = b^2 – tb
a^2 – ta + (t^2)/4 = b^2 – tb + (t^2)/4
(a – t/2)^2 = (b – t/2)^2
a – t/2 = b – t/2
a = b
So all numbers are the same, and math is pointless.
which i found very funny
using math to prove math is useless
thats great…. im putting that on the start of my math hsc test! (then proceeding to finish the test)
4+6=10, so far so good
(4+6)(4-6)=10(4-6), -20=-20, still good
4^2 – 6^2 = 4(10)-6(10), again yes -20=-20
4^2-10(4)=6^2-10(6), and -24=-24
4^2-10(4)+(10^2)/4=6^2-10(6)+(10^2)/4, 1=1. Yep.
(4-10/2)^2=(6-10/2)^2, 1=1 again. Yeah.
Now for the mistaken step. 4-10/2=6-10/2. The squares of these are equal, but not the roots. sqrt(y^2) can actually be (y) or (-y).
> a^2 – ta + (t^2)/4 = b^2 – tb + (t^2)/4
> (a – t/2)^2 = (b – t/2)^2
This is completely incorrect.
actually, I think that part’s just fine. chriskoster found the real problem.
You are right, that part is correct. I must have been completely confused and misinterpreted that part. retsoksirhc's solution is right.
time= money
girls= money*money or (money)^2
and because money is the root of all evil
money= {square root of evil}
girls= {square root of evil}^2
so: Girls=evil
math cant lie people.
math cant lie.
rolf totaly also
video games = fun
video games^2 = nerds
video games^3 = fat loser in there moms basement
video games^4 = death
video games^5 = fun in you afterlife of you choosing
(angels and demons playing halo…fun times,fun times)
That's all.
Also, i have given myself Pi out of five on various things more than once.
After reading that, you’re pretty much my hero.
“Hmm. I think I deserve a rating of pi/5. And pie/fridge.”
i have been known to give myself a rating of 2 sqrt 3 on numerous occasions.
… isn’t there a 3 in pi? that’s about as much as i kno… well not really
it’s like… 3.14159 (and i got that off of a song on an exemplar problem… it’s kinda lame :P)
damn you, you won =( now i have to fiend something else to not do my math
smart… =)
LOL@ drew’s new cartoon, hahahahah
I know this girl who can recite something like, the first 300 digits– it’s ridiculous. She rattles them off so fast I can barely process them, let alone remember them! As for me, I only know 3.1415926.
hahahaha pi out of 5 what would ever posses you to do that?
Ha, I epic fail at math
I know….
is that right?
let's just say 3.14.
I think Bernard wins.
Do You Concur?
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510
5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128
4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196
(edit: truncated due to length)
At my school, we have pi day on 3/14 (March 14), and a small competition, usually for extra pie…
I knew 254 on 3/14/07. I’m back down to a very-memorized 116, but I will start training for 500+ now >:D
(It did take extra effort)
Wow. We had Pi day too. It was especially nice for the Math Team because sometimes Math Man would bring us pie.
…I'm so awesome.
My school's math honor society (which I'm in XD) is having a competition on Pi day to see who can recite the most digits of Pi. I think the prize is a TI calculator.
whats a TI calculator?
TI = Texas Instruments.
As in a graphing calculator.
have you heard of the TI Inspire? It does algebra! It's only $80 I think, but my dad won't buy it for me. I think I'll buy it for myself before I take calculus next year.
Actually my freshman year of college, I had about 3 hours inbetween 2 of my classes a few days a week. Needless to say I got a little bored, and decided to learn Pi. It was originally just to see how far I could take it. I ended up getting up to around 160, fairly fluently. Now I'm only about 80 digits, but hey that ain't bad.
I think you meant
You forgot the leading 1 and you flipped the sign on the 1/3 term.
And I refer to the link i previously posted out of common sense as to not clog the server!