We are way way over our bandwidth this billing cycle, so we had to remove all of our images
Newest blog: Invisible Bread’s One Year Anniversary!

You Weigh a Ton

- July 23, 2008
If you really have to see the comic image, click here.

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man: you look heavy
woman: what!!!

man: no! wait!

*large weight comes into screen*

10 ton weight: i dont think she realized i was behind her

man: yea, i dont think so either

Permalink URL for this comic: http://www.lefthandedtoons.com/274/
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Invisible Bread’s One Year Anniversary!

April 11th, 2012

Yup!  It’s been one year since I announced and launched Invisible Bread!  Remember when I posted that blog about a new webcomic of mine exactly one year ago?  Yeah, it’s that site!

If you don’t know what Invisible Bread is, check it out!  I’ve posted 113 comics so far!  Whoa!


Just in case you didn’t see

March 11th, 2012

Yup!  This is seriously the last shipment of these books.  Once we run out, that’s it!  So for anyone out there that hasn’t been lucky enough to get their hands on our book, now is your final chance.  It’s only $5 too!  Head over to the store page to pick one up.

LHT: Five year anniversary!

January 28th, 2012

Not sure if you knew this, but just two weeks ago, LHT turned five!  To everyone who has been around since the beginning, thank you so much!  And to everyone that has started reading at any point along the way, thank YOU very much!  We really appreciate all of you!

My(Justin is me.  I’m Justin) art has changed a whole lot over the past five years.  Originally, all my comics had boxes drawn around them and usually had either a rectangle man and/or a trapezoid man.  They also were kinda sloppy, since I just started drawing lefty.  Just look at this one from January 18th, 2007.  Dang, that looks so different!

Eventually trapezoid man evolved into another rectangle man and the boxes around the comics disappeared.  Here’s a comic from November 25, 2008 that shows that stuff going on.

The next step in my drawing style change you ask?  Well, that would be when the characters started having eyebrows of course!  They wouldn’t always be there, but when they were, you knew it. The John! comics (this one from May 6th, 2010) really put those angry eyebrows to good use.

And then, things just started looking a lot cleaner from then on.  The text got more readable (I switched to a tablet), the lines got cleaner and it really started looking like the LHT that I draw today =)

And that was a quick journey through five years of my drawing style!

I guess I could do a quick summary of Drew’s drawing style changes over the years too.  Here we go.  Nothing has changed!  He has always been amazing at drawing left handed!

I have a fun concept webcomic that is always updating! Check it out! -j Draw Until It's Funny


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