friend 2: if this doesn't work, at least we'll go out together
friend 3: yeah! i think we've done a great job, but there is always gonna be risk
friend 1: hold on. i told my wife i would be home for dinner
friend 1: are we doing something dangerous tonight?
friend 2 (angry): dude, seriously? have you not been paying attention the past seven years?
friend 2: we're standing on a homemade rocketship!
friend 2: you've been here helping us build it the entire time! even if this did succeed, we will never step foot on earth again
friend 1: oh
friend 1: she was making lasagna too...
*rocketship is flying into sky*
*zooms into the window a little bit, we see friend 1 in it*
*zooms in closer to friend 1's face*
friend 1: lasagna...