just spend an hour outside tanning and have nothing to show for it?
man: yes
that pesky atmosphere blocking your tanning rays?
man: well, i'm not a scientist or anthing but yea, i think
(narration speaking over man)
then take a trip to the moon and get that tan you always wanted!
man: what?
you see, earth's ozone layer blocks the majority of your tanning rays!
*diagram: tanning rays are blocked by the ozone layer. sad face inside the ozone layer*
but the moon doesn't have an atmosphere
*man standing on moon with tanning rays hitting him*
less atmosphere = a better, faster tan for you!
very very tanned man giving a thumbs up: alright!
we have three moon bases for maximum moon-tanning availibility
*moon with 3 bases diagramed*
schedule a trip today!