man with gun: die!
*fires gun*
other man: ha! bullet-proof vest!
gun man: aw shoot
insult man: you're ugly!
other man: ha!
other man: insult-proof vest!
*both stand*
other man: it didn't work
girlfriend: i'm breaking up with you
boyfriend: ha! heartbreak-proof vest!
*girlfriend walks away*
boyfriend: but
boyfriend: it stops feelings from getting in too...
*boyfriend stands there sad*
father: you didn't get a single A!?
father: that's it! 10 minute with the ceiling fan!
*son is standing on a pile of things and the ceiling fan is hitting him in the head*
son: ow ow ow ow
questioning man: is that a vest?
other man: ha!
other man: vest-proof vest!
questioning man: but...
other man: oh no! it's a paradox! this reality doesn't exist!