Game of Thrones
Season 1:
Robert Baratheon : Wow the trip from Winterfell to King's Landing takes so long.
Ned Stark : I know, it takes a whole episode.
Season 7:
Tyrion Lannister : Hey I'm gonna pop over to King's Landing, need anything?
Jon Snow : Sorry what? I was north of the wall during the beginning of your sentence.
Bran Stark being a warg and controlling a raven
Night king : nuh uh uh!!
I see you! (at snake)
at zoo : NOPE!
Jon Snow : Dany! I need your help!
Daenerys Targaryen : okay but you gotta kneel first
None of that even matterssss!
So just kneel then
There's no tiiiiime
Just do it
no tiiiiiime
Okay fine
Dickon and Randyll Tarly on fire from the dragon : Wait