john: look up at the stars, new girlfriend. specifically that bright one
john: we'll be looking at the same star!
girlfriend: uh, the north star?
john: no, that fast-moving bright one. shoot, it's gone
john: ok, that other, even bigger one
girlfriend: i hope you're not referring to the moon
john: i don't know. it's that big one. it's huge! you can't miss it!
girlfriend: yup, still most likely the moon
john: lemme check google sky... oh, heh, yup! the "moon"!
john: wow! that thing has gotta be new
john: hello? you stopped talking
girlfriend: john, it's the moon. it's been there for a very long time
john: like a couple months or something? a year even?!
john: i think i lost you again... hello? hello?